2010 Threat Levels
October 29th, 2010

Since yesterday I’ve been thinking a little more about what the reaction to the election results will be next Wednesday. As a rough guide, I suspect the story will be played somewhere along these lines:

35 – 40 seats – Threat Level Green: All is well for Obama and the Dems, full speed ahead.

40 – 50 seats – Threat Level Blue: Spun as Obama overperforming expectations, waved off as “just like 1994,” no big, etc.

51 – 58 seats – Threat Level Yellow: The country threw a temper-tantrum, people are ungrateful, if only Obama had been more aggressive/more progressive/less bi-partisan, things might have been different.

59 – 68 seats – Threat Level Orange: Republicans are dangerous, America is a scary place, man the barricades because the GOPacalypse is nigh. If we don’t reelect Obama in 2012, brownshirts will roam the countryside murdering and pillaging and disbanding the Department of Education.

69+ seats – Threat Level Red: Can Obama save his presidency? Is it possible for a Democrat to mount a serious primary challenge?

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