NCAA Notes
March 19th, 2011

11 teams from the Big East? That sounds like a great idea. Maybe next year they can take 12 . . .

As a serious question, though, what would be the best way to quantify the Big East’s flame-out? Overall tourney record doesn’t quite do it. You’d need some way of expressing it that took into account the record in games in which Big East teams were higher seeds and records in which they were lower seeds. Thoughts?

Hope all the sharp objects are hidden in the Matus house. Hoya saxa.

  1. Trumwill March 20, 2011 at 12:40 am

    It could be done. Last year I created a database doing something very similar for college football. I compared the conferences by taking the conference records of the teams playing and then weighing the victories against the individual team records and the records the opponents’ conference played in.

    It would be harder to do for basketball, though. So many teams. So many games. On the other hand, you would have a better dataset with basketball than football due there being more OOC games.

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  3. SkinsFanPG March 20, 2011 at 5:14 pm

    Quick question: so the Big East didn’t deserve 11 bids, then tell me which teams deserved bids but didn’t get them because a Big East team took one? Name me one Big East team that didn’t deserve the bid they received. One.

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  5. Hoya Saxa — Jonathan Last Online March 19, 2012 at 4:21 pm

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