He said he was some kind of scientist.
August 7th, 2011

The New York Times publishes a lot of embarrassing stuff in its opinion sections these days. By which I do not mean “stuff I do not politically agree with”–I mean writing so lazy and/or foolish that both the authors and editors should be embarrassed by it.

But this giant piece by Drew Westin sets a new standard:

As a practicing psychologist with more than 25 years of experience, I will resist the temptation to diagnose at a distance, but as a scientist and strategic consultant I will venture some hypotheses.

He’s not just a practicing psychologist. He’s not just a strategic consultant. Drew Westin is a scientist!

That’s just a fact. Science.

  1. Fake Herzog August 7, 2011 at 9:11 pm

    “the holy books of the three great monotheistic religions are written in parables”

    Dear Doctor Westin,

    Allow me to offer a bit of advice — when you don’t have the slightest idea of what the heck you are talking about, shut up. The Bible and even the Koran include some parables, but they are filled with all sorts of literature: historical stories, poems, tales of heroes, letters, etc. To say they are “written in parables” is not just a clever short-cut or simplification — it is flat out wrong.

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  3. Fake Herzog August 7, 2011 at 9:22 pm

    This piece just doesn’t stop giving:

    “He announces in a speech on energy and climate change that we need to expand offshore oil drilling and coal production — two methods of obtaining fuels that contribute to the extreme weather Americans are now seeing.”

    Remember, Doctor Westin is a scientist, so he just knows that the “extreme weather” we are “now seeing” is due to oil drilling and coal production. The good doctor is shameless.