DC Postscript
November 17th, 2011

I should have noted yesterday that in appreciating (or criticizing) the New DC, it’s important not to romanticize the past.

(You should click to look at the big version and check out the detailed ridiculousness. The “Space Ape” is wearing a spacesuit/Martian helmet.)

(And no, this is not from my private collection.)


  1. Fake Herzog November 17, 2011 at 10:17 am

    O.K., I want the 3 minutes of my life back you just wasted on me pouring over that cover. What’s the deal with Superman’s green eye beams? And is the ape fighting The Flash (I think his name is Grodd) electrified? Otherwise, why is The Flash writhing in pain as if he just touched an electric socket? Batman is kicking a** though.

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  3. Brett November 17, 2011 at 11:26 am

    Oh, man, I remember owning this one when I was a kid. Proof that children’s tastes should not drive the culture. I think it was one of the different “themed reprints” DC would do because they had too much paper laying around or something.

    As I recall, Titano was a giant ape who could shoot Kryptonite beams from his eyes, and the Batman story somehow involved Batman needing to keep holding the gorilla aloft so the bomb wouldn’t go off. I have no memory of the Flash or Wonder Woman stories, which probably means I’m halfway to full recovery.