Santino: Scourge of the Pirates–Updated.
May 15th, 2012

He just keeps getting awesomer.

Update: Galley Friend G.R. has some very interesting thoughts about the different effects of piracy on the music and film industries over at National Review. Worth your valuable time.

Update 2: Per Galley Friend P.G., here’s G.R. over at the Atlantic, too.

  1. Gabriel May 15, 2012 at 11:59 am

    On the idea that solving the “customer service” issue is expensive, also see my guest post for Reihan

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  3. SkinsFanPG May 15, 2012 at 3:26 pm

    Gabriel is everywhere today! Just saw him on McCardle’s blog. Nice! Good stuff too.

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  5. ShoelesJoe May 18, 2012 at 9:53 am

    Don’t really see the comparison between a newspaper stealing a blogger’s article and somebody downloading an album or film. If the downloader were to edit out the film’s credits and then try to sell it to a studio or distributor as his own creation then it might be comparable. Of course that doesn’t happen in the real world, and likely never will.