May 16th, 2007
There seems to be some agitation over a new Marvel statue of Mary Jane, pictured below.
It’s unclear to me if people are bothered because M.J. is washing Spidey’s costume or because she looks like she’s on loan from the WWE’s “Diva” squad. That said, there’s a long, proud history of comic book cheesecake, much of which has even made its way into the comic statuette business as of late. Check out, for instance, this insane recent Supergirl:
Frankly, I’m surprised she’s not depicted here fighting off an attack from some randy tentacles. But the most ludicrous serving of cheesecake in recent years has been DC’s continuing fetishization of Power Girl, who has become something like a combination of Wonder Woman and 1995-era Pam Anderson.
Anyway, no matter how advanced and sophisticated comic books get, one suspects that they will never completely outgrow their pin-up roots. So if M.J. is getting the same treatment as the super-heroines, then I suppose there’s no harm in it.
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