September 26th, 2007
My friend Andrew Breitbart is doing a Breakfast Table-like dialogue in the LAT with a writer named David Ehrenstein. In today’s entry, Breitbart attributes to Ehrenstein, in passing, a love of America. Here’s Ehrenstein’s response:
I’m not so sure about the “love my country” bit as I’m markedly disenchanted with the entire concept of all nation-states. Move an inch beyond language and culture and their meaning and purpose almost invariably mirrors that of the Crips and the Bloods.
I can’t tell if he’s putting us on here, because putting aside “language and culture” is like putting aside oxygen and water. Sure, without those two things, the moon is just like Earth!
Mr. Ehrenstein is gay. I wonder if he would find culture to be such a minor thing if he lived in Iran. Here is one summary of Iranian law on homosexuality (remember, laws are derived from culture):
Iranian law dictates that penetrative male homosexual activity be punished with death, while non-penetrative activity is punished with lashes until the fourth offense, when death becomes the punishment. Female homosexuality is punished with lashes, also until the fourth offense, when death becomes the punishment.
But sure, other than little stuff like that, all nations are just big groups of gang-bangers.
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