The TSA’s Baghdad Bob
November 22nd, 2010

First the good news: TSA has a blog up through which they are able to rapidly and directly explain matters to the public, such as the video of the TSA worker frisking a shirtless boy. Under ideal circumstances, this might suggest that TSA sees its mission as an assignment to work the problem, and not enforce the rules.

Now the bad news: The TSA’s blogger is named “Blogger Bob.” (Not to be confused with “Baghdad Bob.”) And he says that everything is just fine and that there are no problemsjust myths–and that the polling says 4-out-of-5 dentists agree that the TSA’s peep-n-pat is awesome!

The TSA blog isn’t an exercise in debugging a problematic system–that would be messy and besides, it might be inadvisable from a legal standpoint, since lawsuits against the TSA are likely, if not inevitable. Instead, it’s just propaganda.

It’s one thing for a political part of the government, like the White House or a Congressional office, to have a propaganda arm. It’s quite another for a non-partisan bureaucracy tasked with security issues to be running one.

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