The Comics Blacklist
February 28th, 2013

Santino puckishly notes the weirdness that the artistic community still gets the vapors thinking about the Hollywood Blacklist while simultaneously calling for Orson Scott Card to never get work again. On the one hand, this should present logic problem. But on the other hand commies > gay-marriage skeptics.

Who? Whom?

  1. Steven Den Beste February 28, 2013 at 2:51 pm

    If you really press someone on this, eventually what they’ll come up with is the question, “Must we be tolerant of those who are themselves intolerant?” And then they’ll say “No” and that justifies what they’re doing.

    Myself, I think the answer is “yes”, for reasons much too complicated to go into in your comment section, but a reasonably plausible case can be made for “no”.