One Cheer for Tumblr
May 22nd, 2013

Totally and utterly predictable.

  1. Jason O. May 22, 2013 at 8:31 pm

    In a related development (building on JVL’s conclusion) the first GOP candidate who calls for the breakup of JPM, BoA, Citi and Wells will win the nomination at a canter.

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  3. SkinsFanPG May 23, 2013 at 9:55 am

    predictable but awesome nonetheless. The Tumblr buy makes ZERO sense. Presumably they want to use it as another ad platform, but that requires visitors. It is increasingly clear that the bulk of Tumblr visitors are there for porn, which Yahoo will almost immediately do away with (as they have with every other platform they own). So no Tumblr porn = less Tumblr visitors = less ad revenue = Tumblr/Yahoo $1b buy a total cluster-F

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  5. Nedward May 24, 2013 at 8:19 pm

    From my Bible (International MSM Version)– In the beginning, the Valley was a formless void; and though it had been disruptive & game-changing nobody was too clear what that techno gadgetry was for; then Marissa said, “Let there be more lights on Sheryl Sandberg’s 5th Vanity Fair cover,” and there was leaning in; and she saw it was good. And then she took the trivial faddish plaything-startups used by VCs for tax arbitrage, and merged them into her empire, and the Gang of 500 saw that it was good, and that the world is flat. Then Marissa said, “It is not good that Julia should be alone; I will make the FTC, SEC, NIST, USPS, and Ex-Im Bank more responsive as her partners”

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  7. Nedward May 24, 2013 at 8:27 pm

    You didn’t mention (at that link anyway) her earlier money-shower for the Gryffindor moppet with the news-summarizing app. It had led me to believe the Tumblr bid was related to the founder resembling a Tiger Beat cover model. My theory was met with a chilly reception from all to hear it, particularly the ladies.

    Tina Fey is really sandbagging it if she just keeps mocking yuppie soccer moms and harried college administrators, when this era furnishes such grander material at hand each day