A Mind That Suits
January 14th, 2011

Galley Friend K.K. has a couple more posts up, which are long, thoughtful, and interesting. Including this instant classic during the course of a reluctant defense of Sarah Palin:

Now, only ambitious people go into politics, and most successful politicians have tended to start early.  Both Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich plotted their careers while staring at the ceiling at night as teenagers.  Both were able to jump nimbly to new perches when things didn’t work out and still end up where they wanted to be, or close.

With Mrs. Palin, one finds a different phenomenon: the most freighted moment in recent American politics may have been when she looked Frank Murkowski in the eyes and thought, “I’m smarter than you are.” She made short work of then Gov. Murkowski and began the career that has left us all scratching our heads.

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