An iWatch for the Leftorium?
September 9th, 2014

A stupid Apple Watch question: Does it come in a left-handed version? Because if you’re a lefty who wears your watch on your right wrist, you’re reaching across the face of the watch to use the digital crown, which seems to be the primary input.

If you’re a weirdo like me–a righty who wears his watch on his righthand–it’s even worse. I’ll be reaching across the watch face to use the digital crown with my non-dominant hand.

Good thing someone just bought a kick-ass surf watch . . .

Update: Now we know!

  1. Galley Wife September 9, 2014 at 5:12 pm

    Yeah. Thank goodness. Can you imagine being able to check the time without taking out your phone?!

    I wonder how many snooze settings the iWatch has, though.