And now a little something for the ladies . . .
July 30th, 2012

A couple of friends of mine have been working on a new venture, a women’s lifestyle magazine called Verily. I just got a peek at their first issue and I’m kind of blown away.

This isn’t a mag for me (obviously) but it’s insanely ambitious. Beautiful to look at, elegant layout, and an editorial voice that’s pitched at grown-ups. I really hope Verily makes it; it sure looks like it deserves to.

So if you’re interested, or know someone who might be, have them take a gander at

  1. Galley Friend J.E. July 30, 2012 at 3:15 pm

    Good luck to Verily.

    In the late 80s and early 90s, there were two magazine aimed at women old enough to be called “adults”: LEAR’S, founded and (somewhat) edited by Frances Lear with some of the money she got in her divorce from Norman Lear; and MOXIE, which actually may have been resurrected. Selling ads was toughish.