And We’re Back
August 29th, 2011

A bunch of catch-up items:

* I’ve got another longish essay on Obama’s vanity. I’ll stop writing these pieces when he stops giving me material.

* Galley Friend Mike Russell has a long, angry, awesome defense of David Foster Wallace.

* President Obama wants to remind Americans that just because they elected him president three years ago, they’re not off the hook for being a bunch of racists yet.

* The history of the Nature Boy’s legal and financial problems is yet another depressing chapter in the story that is professional wrestling. Styling and profiling have their costs.

* That over-under we had going on when Perry would overtake Romney in the RCP average was a sucker’s line. Perry passed Romney on 8/24. The next question is, when does Perry open up a double-digit lead? Before, or after, Ron Paul passes Romney? We’ll have more–lots more–on Mitt Romney . . . coming up next!

  1. Jason O. August 29, 2011 at 11:46 am

    Another well-executed Obama vanity piece however I have one brutally minor nitpick: Sellers’s character in “Being There” was named Chauncey Gardener.

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  3. Gabriel August 29, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    Watch it again. The character’s name is actually “Chance the Gardener.” It’s the other characters misunderstand his name and call him “Chauncey Gardener.”

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  5. Jason O. August 29, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    I stand corrected.

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  7. gfaw August 30, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    For Flair, the wheels fell off the wagon the moment that Tully Blanchard decided not to come back to WCW with Arn Anderson. Next thing you know, the Four Horsemen feature Steve McMichael. Obviously nothing good can come of that.