Atlantic Article About Ramadan Answers Itself
July 28th, 2014

The Atlantic’s latest clickbait piece is an essay asking “Why Are There So Few Ramadan Marketing Campaigns?”

And then, in the third graph, the author answers her own ridiculous question:

In the U.S., the growth of the Muslim population is projected to climb from 2.6 million in 2010 to 6.2 million in 2030.

So the reason Ramadan doesn’t get marketed to is because because only 0.8 percent of the American population is Muslim and of that tiny sliver we have no idea how many American Muslims actually observe Ramadan in a meaningful way. There are more than twice as many Mormons. Heck, there are more Buddhist in America, too. Islam in America is an incredibly small niche.

On the other hand, you can see why Muslims might be a little put out by the lack of mainstream discussion of Ramadan. After all, the percentage of Americans who self-identify as gay is only twice as large as the percentage who are Muslim, yet the United States has generally acted as though radically changing the 5,000-year-old institution of marriage to accommodate homosexual unions was the Most Important Issue Ever.

In that context, you might think a commercial about Ramadan during Big Bang Theory is perfectly natural.

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