CulturePulp. Superman. Aykroyd.
October 13th, 2010

Galley Friend Mike Russell is back with another fantastic reported comic–this one about attending a Crystal Skull Vodka signing with Dan Aykroyd. Sheer brilliance.

What’s Aykroyd doing hawking vodka? The informercial below explains. Spoiler warning: This is not parody.

Elsewhere Russell casually mentions his dream casting for the Nolan/Snyder Superman movie: Jon Hamm and Lauren Graham. I can’t get over how ridiculously awesome that would be–a superhero movie where the leads are grownups and we get to join the story already in-progress instead of sitting through origin tedium.

  1. SkinsFanPG October 13, 2010 at 3:23 pm

    So a Vodka company bases their entire marketing strategy on what is certainly a hoax, the famed “Crystal Skulls”? Doesn’t seem very smart. By now just about everyone knows the Skulls are a product of 19th century Europe, and not pre-colombian natives. What next, Bigfoot Bourbon? Nessie Scotch? Idiots.

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  3. SLL October 13, 2010 at 4:35 pm

    I haven’t watched it yet but I can think is, “For relaxing times, make it Suntory time.” “Slower. And with more…inTENsity!”

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  5. Jason O. October 14, 2010 at 9:35 pm

    Given the generally shitty level of both a) history education and b) rational thought in this country…it’s a brilliant marketing campaign.