April 18th, 2013

With the new trailer I’m in on Man of Steel. All in. Here’s my $20 for the IMAX Digital-Oral 4D experience. Take it in advance.

I probably won’t even get to see it in theaters, but Warner Bros. can have my money in advance anyway. I’m that big a sucker.
In retrospect, it now seems totally obvious that the way to solve Superman is by making his arrival on Earth intentional–have Earth be a subject of intense interest on Krypton so that Jor-El sends his infant son there not by chance, but on purpose. With a plan. And a uniform. And an “S” that isn’t an English “s,” but rather a character with a specific meaning in Kryptonian.
It’s amazing Singer was ever allowed to make another movie.

  1. James O'Gara April 23, 2013 at 7:20 am

    Want to go halfsies?