December 12th, 2011
For the first, and assuredly last, time, my name crossed George Will’s lips this weekend:
GEORGE WILL, CONSERVATIVE COLUMNIST: It reinforced it in the sense that we now have a solid front-runner in Newt Gingrich. And he’s arguing with Mitt Romney over who is the most electable. So it comes down to this right now with the clock ticking and as you say, favoring Newt Gingrich, Newt Gingrich was a shooting star in this town, the most prominent Republican from 1994 to 1998. He was at that point he was the most disliked politician in America. He says I’m the most electable
Mitt Romney said that he’s the most electable. I refer people to Jonathan Last in the Weekly Standard today, says Mitt Romney has been in 22 contested elections, not counting caucuses — primaries and general elections. He’s won five. He has lost 17.
Well, cross that off the bucket list. Next up: Dinner with Stan Lee and Tricia Helfer . . .
Stan Lee and Tricia Helfer together?
Next up: Krauthammer opines this week on the Bret Baier panel re: JVL’s ongoing DC Comics analysis.
Galley Wife,
Obviously Stan will be there as Helfer’s chaperone.
She’ll need one.
Galley Friend J.E. December 12, 2011 at 11:27 am
And Taranto tweeted it. Not a bad day.