If Money Were No Object . . .
February 18th, 2014

I got two of my most precious comics from a vending machine at the Maryland House, a rest stop midway down I-95 in Maryland. When I was a kid, they had, just inside the doorway, next to Coke machines and the like, a vending machine which spit out comic books. You put in two quarters and you got a comic at random. One lucky afternoon on the way south from NJ, I got the first two books of “The Judas Contract,” which remains one of my favorite comic book arcs of all time.

And now the original George Perez cover art for Book One is for sale. Steady . . . steady . . .

I don’t pine for stuff very often [That’s a filthy lie. -ed] but boy, howdy, do I wish I could buy this thing. Have a look:

The Judas Contract, Book One

The Judas Contract, Book One

  1. Mike Collins February 18, 2014 at 5:31 pm

    How can you not do it? For the college fund!