In Praise of Chris Claremont
July 31st, 2013

His view of The Wolverine is both perceptive and totally professional. Turns out he’s an artist who’s also a total grown-up. Who knew?

I still haven’t seen the movie, partly because after Chris McQuarrie’s script got subsumed, I just kind of assumed that it wouldn’t be as good as it could have been. McQuarrie–who is fantastic–described his original script as “Kurosawa’s Wolverine.” It’s kind of tragic to have had that on the page and then get a different movie.

  1. Gabriel July 31, 2013 at 4:15 pm

    I was just delighted that it had a real plot and not ten minutes of the dirty dozen followed by a series of duels that end in “OK, now I’ll unlock your next quest”