Jon Huntsman’s Media Outreach
August 18th, 2011

Huntsman has had a pretty disastrous launch to his campaign–staff turnover, muddled messaging, no poll traction. It’s time for him to go to the media, see if he can’t stir the pot and get this thing going. So who does Team Huntsman hand out access to? Ryan Lizza at the New Yorker? Ramesh Ponnuru at National Review? Oh no.

No, no, no. You don’t understand the Huntsman media strategy. They set the candidate down with Jacob Weisberg. For Vogue.

Let’s hope, for his heirs’ sake, that Gov. Huntsman isn’t going to self-finance this disaster.

  1. Ben D August 18, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    Re self-financing: Has anyone ever written the definitive book/essay on how so many people from wealthy families or with massive fortunes attained through a well-honed sense of which assets to invest in are so willing to throw out everything they’ve learned when it comes to investing in themselves? There are so many examples.

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  3. DB August 19, 2011 at 4:19 am


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  5. Post-Debate Memo to Jon Huntsman — Jonathan Last Online September 12, 2011 at 10:38 pm

    […] insult-comic gimmick may go over great with Vogue correspondents, but with Republican voters it’s probably not enough to pull Pawlenty […]