Juicebox Follow-Up. The Capri Sun Mafia.
March 28th, 2011

People love the Juicebox stuff. Two Galley Friends write in with observations. The first concerns a (playful?) post by Ann Friedman lamenting that her circle of young, liberal, women journalists has been setting the world on fire without ever getting on TV or being featured in fawning New York Times style pieces.

I’m not quite sure I understand Friedman’s complaint. She seems to be saying that she and her clique have been doing amazing, substantial work, winning all sorts of awards and shaping the debate, but that, for whatever reason (sexism) they don’t get the recognition (sexism) that they properly deserve. (Sexism.) But if Friedman and her friends really are doing substantive stuff (and at such a young age!) isn’t that its own reward? You get into journalism because you like the work–reporting, meeting people, finding interesting stories, learning how to tell them economically and to write well. You don’t get into journalism because you want other journalists to write about you.

But maybe Friedman is just being satirical. That’s what I thought, anyway, until she started listing the complaints of sexual harassment from her friends at the end. Whatever the case, I’m sure things will turn out well for the Capri Sun Mafia. Just so long as they don’t accidentally let someone who worked for, I don’t know, the Claremont Review of Books, into their set.

The other note comes from a Galley Friend defending the honor Spencer Ackerman:

I couldn’t help but notice that the NYT also omitted one other “made man”: Spencer “Make A Niche In Your Skull” Ackermann.

And that’s particularly noteworthy given that The Attackermann actually has emerged as an excellent reporter over at Wired, now that he’s excised himself from the whole TNR/TPM/LakeFireDog.com mess that he’d been in for a while.

In fact, Ackermann’s probably the only Juiceboxer to have actually moved up from bloggish punditry to actual reporting and writing.

  1. SkinsFanPG March 29, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    Capri Sun Mafia might be the best nickname ever. EVER.

    I wonder if Friedman wrote the following with even the slightest sense of irony:

    “In an ending worthy of “The Breakfast Club,” Ms. Friedman now lives in Los Angeles, far from the DC journo scene. Ms. Olopade is working on a book in Nairobi. Ms. Lowrey is engaged to Ezra Klein, a 26-year-old blogger for The Washington Post.”

    “Ms. Lowrey is engaged to Ezra Klein, a 26-year-old blogger for The Washington Post” WHO WAS THE MAIN SUBJECT OF THE NYT TIMES PROFILE WHICH PROMPTED ME TO WRITE THIS CATTY POST IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!

    If you can’t shatter the glass ceiling, marry someone who can show you the hidden entrance.