JVL Elsewhere
April 23rd, 2012

Two pieces over the weekend. One, a review of Michael Sandel’s What Money Can’t Buy. (Where I’m a pinko squish. Again.) Second, a mid-size essay on the legal doctrine of “wrongful birth.” Which was basically the most depressing piece I’ve written in the last ten years. You’ve been warned.

  1. Brn April 23, 2012 at 8:33 am

    First link is bad

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  3. Gabriel April 23, 2012 at 9:49 am

    Good piece on Sandel. I’ve been working on morality and exchange a lot lately. E-mail me if you’re gonna work on it again and would like advice.

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  5. Galley Wife April 23, 2012 at 10:38 am

    Many schools now “incentivize” performance, paying students if they read books or do well in school; some schools now sell ads on children’s report cards.

    “Okay, look. I know you got a crocodile in spelling, but this has gone too far.”
    ~Lindsay Fünke

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  7. Joe Sixpack April 23, 2012 at 11:05 am

    Somebody needs to read his Hayek and his Smith.

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  9. SkinsFanPG April 23, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    It is simply a matter of time before someone sues for their own wrongful birth. “If my parents had known I would have such a miserable life they would have killed me, therefore you must pay me for the life I am forced to live.”

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  11. Nedward April 23, 2012 at 1:58 pm

    “Men will die for God or country, kinship or land. No one ever picked up a rifle and got shot for optimal social utility”

    For antisocial libertoids that is exactly the point–universal free agency and you can play WoW all day from your fission-powered shack in Antarctica. Anyway William Westmoreland already tried a variation of that line once on Milton Friedman.

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  13. Galley Friend J.E. April 23, 2012 at 11:50 pm

    OMG, after reading both pieces, I want to kill myself. But I’m confused about whether to blame someone or charge someone.