September 24th, 2014
Yes, it’s six minutes long. WATCH THE WHOLE THING. Because by the time he gets to Red Ruffing–“You don’t know who Red Ruffing was. Do you?”–it’s already the most epic TV baseball segment, evah. And you’re only half way home.
An instant classic that goes right on the top shelf with George F. Will’s Sports Machine.
Dangerously high levels of awesome. Because while the surface is anti-Jeter, under the hood it’s really anti-Millennial.
“Boy oh boy have I had it with the over the top, irrational Jeter love! I know – let me respond with some irrational, over the top Jeter hate!”
Calm rationality FTW.
After watching that, I had an epiphany. Maybe the Jeter farewell tour has more to do with an acknowledgment and admiration for the astonishing HQ tail he has amassed over 20 years, rather than his accomplishments on the field.
Food for thought.
John Kenneth Galbraith’s quote about WFB Jr. summarizes how I feel about Olb, something to the effect of “how can someone be so eloquent about sailing (baseball), yet be so wrong about everything else??”
Sports Olbermann … SO much better than politics Olbermann. Just as nasty and deranged, in a way, but about less consequential matters, so it’s more forgiveable and a lot more fun. (And this is REALLY nasty — note the references to “gift baskets” and “Yeah, Jeets!” Google those with Jeter’s name if you don’t know what I’m talking about…)
Best show on TV. Hands down, no contest, the category is closed.
Maybe people love him because he hasn’t taken steroids, or gotten drunk in public and slurred disgusting obscenities, or fathered 19 kids, or hit a woman, or showed up when he was supposed to. Maybe he’s a role model for proper behavior in a team uniform. All this lasting 20 years. You know what? He is Godlike.
The fascinating thing is that there is so much bitterness against Jeter for taking the same victory lap that Mo took last year. Now granted, Mo left at the top of his game, whereas Jeter has clearly lost a step. Or two. Or three.
But really. Jeter is a sure fire Hall of Famer – just as Mo was. Why did the media lead the charge for Mo, but in Jeter’s case they are leading the jeers?
Is it really because he held on a year or two too long?
Love the “Yeah, Jeets” closer to a thoroughly amusing takedown.
SkinsFanPG September 24, 2014 at 12:17 pm
That was amazing. I love Sports Olbermann. One of the all-time greats.