Lucas: “STFU. Greedo Shot First.”
February 10th, 2012

Allahpundit is on the scene:

I’m starting to think Lucas’s endless mind games with “Star Wars” fans is some sort of“Magic Christian” prank in which he’s gotten bored with his mountain of money and is now having fun by messing with people’s heads. Maybe he’ll put Jar Jar in one of the TIE fighters at the end of “Star Wars” when he does the next re-edit, just to kick his most devoted acolytes in the groin.

  1. A.S. February 10, 2012 at 1:13 pm

    My solution? I’ve made up my mind that nothing that Lucas has done after 1983 actually exists. I don’t watch episodes 1, 2 or 3. I don’t watch any re-edits. The simply don’t exist for me. And, therefore, nothing has sullied the original (I should say, ONLY) three movies.

    (OK, OK, I actually did watch episode 1 on DVD once, and hated so much that’ve I since put it out of my mind. I couldn’t tell you what the plot is.)

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  3. ChrisinTampa February 10, 2012 at 2:37 pm

    My thoughts exactly…

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  5. Ben February 13, 2012 at 9:50 am

    I agree with A.S. 100% . . . but how can I explain this to my six-year old who’s obsessed with Star Wars and is being bombarded on all the children’s channels with advertising for the re-release of “Phantom Menace”?

    In the end, I’ll probably just watch my son’s reactions instead of Jar-Jar on the 50-foot screen, console myself that my twenty bucks doesn’t help Lucas appreciably, and take a long hot shower when we get back from the theater to wash the stench away.