Mean Girl
December 7th, 2010

The NYT on NYC schools chancellor Cathleen Black: Maybe the meanest profile of the year.

  1. SLL December 7, 2010 at 12:12 pm

    It’s not even so much a profile as an unrestrained torrent of scorn. From the “‘Teachers need good knees, she observed'” to the snide “chunky necklace” to the quotes, she doesn’t even try to be subtle. Pretty hot.

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  3. Dan December 10, 2010 at 1:49 pm

    That’s pretty horrible, but the Atlantic’s profile of Freeman Dyson, centered around his climate change skepticism might surpass it. A good third of the article proposes a series of theories as to how Dyson can be so idiotic in his beliefs, and finally proposes that Dyson has made a religion out of human progress that leaves him blind to the damage we’re doing to the biosphere. No attempt is made to engage with his arguments, or even give him credit for good faith, really.