Michael Bay Goes Boom
November 3rd, 2011

Galley Reader M.C. sends along a Film Drunk link with this insanely great Bay Infographic:

  1. Gabriel November 3, 2011 at 11:32 am


    You use a pie graph to show proportions of a whole, especially if you’re trying to show concentration or diversity (ie, the sort of thing you’d summarize with a gini or HHI). For comparing among a set you use a bar graph or, if there is an ordinal aspect, a line graph. Such a presentation would make it clear how the trend is towards more explosions over time.

  2. REPLY
  3. Fake Herzog November 4, 2011 at 4:59 pm


    Why does Last get the smartest commenters on the web? Please visit my humble blog from time to time and grace me with one of your brilliant observations — share the love!

    P.S. The interesting follow-up question is whether or not there is any correlation between the number of explosions and the quality of film. I feel like I’m well qualified to answer as I’ve seen most of the Bay oeuvre, with the exception of the Bad Boys movies (call me racist but I’m not interested in black buddy cop pictures) and Pearl Harbor (after The Titanic I felt like I had my fill of goofy faux historical big-buudget romance movies). So with those qualifications in place, here is my Bay film ranking, best to worst:

    1) The Rock

    2) Armageddon

    3) Transformers: Dark of the Moon

    4) Transformers

    5) The Island

    6) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    I don’t see a correlation.