Mike Russell on Creativity
April 23rd, 2014

Go for the long memo, stay for the sprezzatura.

This would make for an excellent college commencement address.

  1. WershovenistPig April 23, 2014 at 8:26 pm

    Holy fucking shit–there is a tremendous amount of accumulated life wisdom in this piece. E-mailed it to myself so I could re-read it, as well as follow up on his myriad links when I have more time (Susie Cagle’s story was the one link I read. Ouch. Makes me appreciate the ducats I derive from lawyering that much more: https://medium.com/p/110ee3276edf)

    Actually, I think it would make a great address to a 5th or 10th-year college reunion group. Post-college life in the working world has to have a chance to kick your ass a bit before you’re open to these lessons.