On Ruy Teixeira
July 17th, 2013

Dan McLaughlin has an extensive–and I mean extensivecritique of Ruy Teixeira, particularly concerning his attacks on Sean Trende and What to Expect. I think it’s pretty devastating. But then, I would.

  1. Hank Kenski July 18, 2013 at 8:23 pm

    I found the critique and defense of Trende quite impressive. I have tried to reprint a copy of this article from the websites at Red State and RealClearPolitics.com From both sites, I retrieved a copy but both had the text only and neither contained the interesting charts. Is there any way I could receive a copy of the article with the charts. I would be so grateful. Thanks for considering my request. My email is hkenski@aol.com in Tucson. Arizona

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  3. Nedward July 19, 2013 at 7:30 pm

    A fat compendium could be made of “If [X]’s claims sound hysterical and overwrought, that is because they are” snowclones from the New York Times. In the interest of proper statistical weighting throw out all contributions from Maureen Dowd