Perry. Obama. Grades.
August 5th, 2011

This story about Rick Perry being a C (and D) student at Texas A&M is pretty great.

That is, it’s great because it means that if Perry wins, it will be completely in bounds for his surrogates to ask–over and over and over, if necessary–for President Obama’s college and law school transcripts. In fact, Perry should preemptively release his SATs, since Obama’s SAT and LSAT scores are even more interesting.

  1. Dave S. August 5, 2011 at 11:37 pm

    Good point. Up to now, Obama’s opponents have been noticeably reticent in demanding the release of his transcripts, and when they dared to raise the subject it was ruled out of bounds across the entire political spectrum.

    And why are the SAT/LSAT scores “more interesting”? Does the pattern of filled-in circles on the answer sheet indicate the location of Alinskyite sleeper cells when overlaid on a US map?

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  3. Steve Sailer August 6, 2011 at 2:49 am

    Perry got a C in gym.