Power to the Firecrotch. Bitches.
August 24th, 2006

I can’t properly express how tickled I was to get a Pajiba add on GS because, as you and I both know, even their ads are funnier than anything on this site. If they don’t buy another one after this ad expires, I may see how much they’d charge me to keep it running.

Anyway, they’ve got some good gossip on the coming SNL firings. Four cast members are getting the axe, and Pajiba says three of them may be Parnell, Sanz, and Kenan Thompson. I’d be sad to see Parnell go.

If you haven’t read Tom Shale’s excellent SNL history, you should. It wouldn’t surprise me if Dr. Evil purposely leaked the news of the firings just to make his cast sweat. As one of the former SNLers told Shales–and I paraphrase here–“Lorne loves us. We’re all like his children. He just likes to see his children kill one another.”

If someone has the exact quote so that I don’t have to dig it out, let me know.

Update: The Fug Girls remind us that Xtina was the original Firecrotch. Really, go click on that link. It’s totally SFW. It’s just not safe for your post-Bratman fantasies. I’m talking to you, M.G.

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