Reading for Hurricane Week
October 29th, 2012

Via the Transom, a 4-star amazing essay on Frank Miller and the composition of Dark Knight Returns.

  1. Nedward October 30, 2012 at 6:24 am

    The thing I still like about that book, thing that made it WORK, was his approach, which Alan Moore had somewhat too, to the now-ruined/misunderstood task of the “reboot.” Rather than swing at the high-concept gimmicky reversal–like, I don’t know, making Capt. America a paraplegic, or Wonder Woman a porn star–you try to look at the tradition through fresh eyes, and selectively mine it instead of deeming this or that part of it good or bad. Anyway, your link took me down a 2-hour Wikipedia rabbit hole–not only did I see the title “American Flagg” again for the first time this millennium, but apparently Neal Adams became a spokesperson for the Expanding Earth hypothesis. Meanwhile in comic fandom’s version of the Day of Ashura, it seems Proper Credit Unto Jack Kirby has been neglected once again (unless I missed that bit, between gratuitous shirtless Affleck and a lame “Not Without My Daughter” joke)–