Sexing up the New York Times
March 19th, 2012

Galley Friend X sends along a note about this striking choice by a photo editor at the NYT. It’s totally safe for work, mind you. Yet the photo wouldn’t be entirely out of place in a shoot for Maxim. Even though it’s in a Business section story about corporate satisfaction surveys.

Update: Galley Friend X (a different one) notes that the NYT must have done a whole shoot for that story, because in syndication, a different photo was used.

How did Galley Friend X find this second photo? Who can say.

  1. Ben March 19, 2012 at 2:47 pm

    Real men of genius, NYT edition.

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  3. Totally Immature Guy March 19, 2012 at 5:58 pm

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  5. Fake Herzog March 19, 2012 at 8:57 pm

    “So, back to the checkout. By this point, my daughter was in the store. Around the time the associate was wrapping up ringing me up, and right around the time another woman was making her purchase, I hear my lovely tot who has watched me nurse my son on multiple occasions (sorry, TMI, but pertinent to the story..) state loudly to her father (twice), “There’s a boob right there.” I can only assume that Ms. Observant Tot was referring to one of the images in the store, like the one to the right. Ahhh, when in store signage and at home terminology collide. I snorted. The women behind the counter lightly smiled, as did the other customer. I have to state at this point, the associates handled the situation with grace, not calling attention to what just occurred, and not making me feel like a total idiot for a word that must have slipped out of my mouth at some point and home, absorbed by my toddler, only to be regurgitated on the sales floor.”

    I can only imagine that the word, “boob” slips out a lot at the Nasief household. This post made my day.

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  7. Jason O. March 20, 2012 at 9:43 am

    From parts unknown….
    Weight unknown….
    Galley Friend X!!!