She Is Charlotte Simmons
January 14th, 2011

When the Atlantic go prude? Time was, they were happy to endorse the hook-up one-night stand getting balled in the alley behind a bar “sex out of love” as an “amazing, wonderful, transformative” act. Now they’re running long pieces about the problems with pornography and immutable gender differences and this crazy hard-core piece about Karen Owen, Tucker Max, and the Duke social culture by Caitlin Flanagan.

It looks like the theocons and Christianists have taken over. Sigh.

  1. Mark Levin's Evil Twin January 14, 2011 at 1:38 pm

    Sullivan and the forces of Burkean Conservatism over at The Atlantic will be safe so long as they have Sandra Tsing Loh to write about things like the horrors of marriage and motherhood.

    “I am a 47-year-old woman whose commitment to monogamy, at the very end, came unglued. ”

    “Of the four of us, Renata has the fastest-thrumming engine, as evidenced by her rabid in-the-moment sex-tryst texting (‘omg he flyz in 2nite on red i @ 2 am!!!’). One imagines a string of men toppled behind her in ditches like crashed race cars. ”

    One can only imagine what Sullivan thought when he read that last one. “Hey, call me Triple-A! Someone call for a tow and a jump?”

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  3. tom January 14, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    The Sullivan link should have a skull with an x next to it. Yikes. And 12 hours is a long time. That kind of thing requires serious drugs, and not just for the mechanical aspects.

    The other two articles are not anti-porn, and not anti-men. (I know, you didn’t say they were.) They are very much in the vein of men are pigs and women need to be realistic about that. I am a manpig and didn’t find much I disagreed with.

    And you have to give Flanagan credit for destroying Megyn Kelly.

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  5. Jason O. January 15, 2011 at 5:20 pm

    Am I the only one who realizes that this Atlantic article re: Duke is a Rather/Mapes “fake but accurate” takedown of Duke after Nifong’s/Crystal’s allegations fell through? We don’t have any real evidence on Duke lacrosse players, so we have to invent a narrative from this woman’s twisted/sad PPT to indict the lax team. Actually now that I think about it…was the PPT author in on this whole thing to begin with? Granted this is rampant speculation, but this chick’s reasoning in the PPT seems, IMO, right out of the Group of 88’s playbook.

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  7. Mark Levin's Evil Twin January 17, 2011 at 3:10 pm

    Maybe the allegations against the Duke team actually were fake but accurate. The fact that those athletes didn’t commit the crime with which they were accused doesn’t mean that the campus’s population isn’t depraved in general. And while the lacrosse team was wrongly indicted and rightly exonerated, their mistreatment at the hands of Nifong doesn’t entitle the rest of the campus to be immune from criticism.