Site News
March 10th, 2015

So the reason blogging has been close to non-existent for the last couple months is that I’ve been tied up working on a sequel to The Seven Deadly Virtues. And now it’s done. Or, almost done. Behold: The Dadly Virtues.

It’s due out by mid-May, which means this entire thing will have gone from “Hey, how about thinking of a sequel” to books-on-shelves in seven months, which has been a Herculean task on the part of the Templeton folks, because the speed-boost came almost entirely on the production side.

Anyway, I can’t even tell you how much I love this thing. It’s a book about fatherhood and it’s really, really funny and occasionally profound, too. It’s mostly the same cast from 7DeadV, but with a few additions: Joseph Epstein, Matt Continetti, Toby Young, Steve Hayes, and Tucker Carlson. The conceit is that the book walks you through the entire lifecycle of fatherhood, from pregnancy to becoming a grandfather, with each chapter dealing with some important stage along the way. Matt Labash, for example, does the chapter on giving the sex talk.

I’ll have lots more about it once the whole thing is totally and completely locked-down; we’re just a few days away from shipping it off to the printer, I think. But for now, I’ll just say this: I love this project as much as anything I’ve ever been associated with. And I’m really excited to get to share it.

  1. blighter March 11, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    “Matt Labash, for example, does the chapter on giving the sex talk.”

    Here is my money, please take it.

    Seriously, though, tremendously enjoyed the first, will buy the second. Kudos.

    If you get to four, here’s hoping it’s no Crystal Skull.