Slate. Terrorists. Bombs.
July 7th, 2011

Will Saletan has the strangest Slate piece I’ve ever seen: It’s perfect distillation of conventional wisdom. How did this thing get published.

It seems that terrorists might use implanted explosives to blow up planes. And now, Saletan says, we’ll never figure out how to stop them unless we have super-advanced radio-wave scanners that see inside the human body.

Let Saletan repeat: “. . . if there’s no residue or behavioral giveaway, and if the detonator is under the skin, we’re screwed.”

If only there was some other way to figure out who might be carrying a bomb! But I guess that’s just not possible. If there were a profile of some other system that could identify possible terrorists from non-terrorists, surely Saletan would at least have mentioned it before dismissing it as racist/impractical/foolish/xenophobic/ineffective.

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