April 25th, 2013

I’ve got a What to Expect-related piece over at Slate, in case you’re interested. The comments section could be fun.

  1. James O'Gara April 26, 2013 at 8:15 pm

    Another great piece. Mentos, huh? Their ads are so weird it’s hard to know what to make of that bunch.

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  3. troy garrett April 28, 2013 at 12:14 am

    Loved it, also the pictures had me LAMO.

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  5. Jason O. April 28, 2013 at 7:59 am

    May I just get a few out of the way?

    McCHIMPYBUSHITLER!! (hat tip James Lileks)

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  7. AKB1 April 30, 2013 at 9:03 am

    JVL does a good job.
    I only read the article once, but I don’t understand the difference between liberal and conservative pro-birth policies. However, I would oppose “coercive paternalism” whether pro- or anti-birth. If I understand correctly, JVL has argued that we shouldn’t force people to have kids, because it doesn’t work. But isn’t it simply wrong to pressure people into having kids, even if it did work?
    Instead I would favor something like the Ponnuru plan: let parents keep more of their own money and decide on their own what to do with it, so that they can afford to have the number of kids that they would like to have.

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  9. AKB1 April 30, 2013 at 2:49 pm

    I loved the article Hawley, Marriage, and the GOP. I’m going to read it again even if I have to register with TWS. It is Douthat-Salam level material, which means that it is very good.