Speaking of Coming Out . . .
May 6th, 2013

So I’m reading the letters page on Hawkeye #9, because who doesn’t read the letters page? And it turns out that Jason Collins isn’t the only former Stanford big man to let out a secret about his private life recently!

It turns out that Brook Lopez is a big fan of comic books. Big. Fan.

Draws his own pinups of himself with his favorite characters.

Personally, I think this was pretty brave of him. But it’s possible that the box-office success of Avengers and now Iron Man 3 means that society is ready to embrace his choice genetic destiny lifestyle. So I don’t want to make too much of this. Still, I’ll note that (1) Lopez is an actually active NBA player and (2) it’s not like he got any attaboys direct from the leader of the free world.

  1. M. Cherry-Mint May 6, 2013 at 12:25 pm

    all these beautiful women in the world and guys wanna mess with comic books. SMH

    Hey – I’m not bashing anybody, don’t have anything against anyone, I just don’t understand it. Comic books?