Strange New Respect
June 16th, 2009

We now have the perfect blog post. Here’s Hugh Hewitt blogging an open-message to Andrew Sullivan:

“Memo to Andrew Sullivan: E-mail to your aol account is bouncing back. I’d like to interview you today or tomorrow.”

The full majesty of the blogosphere–from logos to ethos–is explicated in those two sentences.

  1. ALL CAPS ALL STAR June 17, 2009 at 2:10 pm

    Memo to Hugh Hewitt: E-mail to your account is overloaded. I'd like to know what the newest definition of conservatism is. Is it just me, or is it getting hard to keep track of who we like when?!? I thought we were ALWAYS at war with Sullivan!!! HUGH I NEED GUIDANCE ON THIS!!! YOU ARE MAKING IT HARD TO KEEP TRACK!!! AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO IS STRANGELY TURNED ON BY MARC AMBINDER'S CHIN???

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  3. "Catcher" June 17, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    Memo to Hugh Hewitt: Do not, I repeat, DO NOT interview Andrew Sullivan on your show. I thought we went over this, Hugh. No freelancing. Like K-Lo, you are now a wholly owned subsidiary. I can start canceling the checks any time, monkey.

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  5. TubbyLover69 June 17, 2009 at 2:15 pm

    (Catcher is code, dear reader. Double entendre. One meaning is to a certain former governor from Massachusetts who ran for the GOP nomination in 08. The other meaning …)

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  7. Anonymous June 18, 2009 at 12:07 pm

    Oh how I've missed you, All-Caps All-Star. Good to see you again. : )