Super Bowl Thoughts
February 4th, 2013

Is it me or did the national media suddenly swerve on Ray Lewis? I’ve been in a bit of a bubble the last couple days but it seems like suddenly people pulled up short on Lewis and realized that maybe they shouldn’t build that much of the Super Bowl story around him. Because . . . you know.

So instead we get Harbaugh and Flacco as the big stories and Ray-Ray just shuffles off to the NFL old folks home. It would be funny if what turned people on Lewis was the fear of the post-Armstrong world, instead of the real unpleasantness. Who knew?


  1. GFAW February 4, 2013 at 2:57 pm

    The real test will be next season.

    Lewis’s personality — or, at least his public persona — is perfectly suited for one of those worthless network pregame/halftime teams. If he doesn’t get one of those jobs, we’ll have a good idea why.

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  3. Jim S. February 4, 2013 at 5:16 pm

    I predict he’ll be hawking Deer Antler Spray.

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  5. Anonymous Mike February 4, 2013 at 7:20 pm

    I noticed the less emphasis on Ray Lewis and given the number of “NFL Evolution” ads with some 9 year old girl in the box with the Ginger Hammer I was wondering if the media types didn’t want mixed messages – you know a kinder, gentler NFL on game day while at the same time gushing over Ray McStabby