Super Bowl Thoughts
February 6th, 2011

Like many middle-class suburbanites, I’ve long enjoyed the Black Eyed Peas because of their authentic urban poetry. So I was sort of sad to see that has been assimilated by the Borg. That’s too bad.

Btw: Captain America? Awesome. Fast Five? Awesomest.

  1. SkinsFanPG February 7, 2011 at 9:19 am

    C’mon JVL, Where Is The Love? Ha! But seriously, that was excruciating. I know the target demo loves the BEP, but that was an embarrassment. My daughter asked why the live show sounded so much worse than they sound on the radio/CD, and it gave me the perfect opportunity to explain why most music sucks. I explained that BEP members are not musicians, can’t sing, and record songs that are then processed through computers and equipment which put together something that loosely resembles music. This is why these acts typically lip-sync their concerts, because it is impossible for them to recreate the sound you hear on the radio. Auto-tune seems to have given these craptastic acts the confidence to perform live, even though they are still exposed as crap. I told her that if she wanted to listen to good music, start with the live act. If a band puts together a good concert, they are probably decent.