February 25th, 2013
It’s just getting killed in the social space.
Also, I’m not wild about the Church’s mobile strategy, either.
You’ve got to understand that these days, people don’t want to be tethered to just some single altar–they want to be able to take their religion on the go with them–and transfer that experience from the church, to their smartphone, to their tablet.
The church doesn’t “provide” the religion–the believer is the religion. And if the Catholic Church doesn’t get this fundamental change, they’re going to be disrupted right out business.
Wait a minute, JVL. You said a few days ago in connection with Pretty Little Liars that there is a disconnect between the number of social media followers and total actual viewers. Now you’re saying that the Church is in trouble if it doesn’t get it right on social media. Come on!
The Church has a billion followers and maybe 100 million of those are hard-core. Frankly, few of those 100 million are going to drop out if the Church isn’t sufficiently hip to social media.
To quote the great Western philosopher Sheldon Cooper:
You just don’t understand church 2.0. Confessing via Twitter or Instagram is going to is going to be huge. Sure, church attendance won’t increase, but there’ll be a lot of social media activity.
Maybe we could go all WWE and have pastors Tout their sermons.
Galley Wife February 25, 2013 at 12:55 pm
Ah, leave it to Cardinal Wuerl to bring us such scintillating and important insights on the nature and future of the Church.
Best tags ever, by the way. Add “please understand I’m being ironic” and you win.