May 22nd, 2012
Didn’t Burt Ward out Batman years ago?
While everyone’s jumping to the conclusion that the gay superhero is Batman. But it’s obviously Aquaman. All that one-on-one time with Wonder Woman, and not the slightest hint of interest on his part? Very suspicious.
This might be the best comment in the history of the internets.
Yeah, this is a clear win.
Look, targeting Batman won’t get their money back. I knew the mob wouldn’t go down without a fight, but this is different. They crossed the line.
I think you mean, “How brave!”
Martian Manhunter. Duh.
Batman adopts orphaned boys, keeps them in a cave, and has them run around in hotpants.
I think gay Batman would be a little too-NAMBLA
How does a guy work in an industry for ten years and absorb absolutely nothing about what makes it work?
If his Wikipedia bio is right, the only thing DiDio’s ever worked on that was worth a darn was the “ReBoot” cartoon. And as for Morrison, his “Death of Batman” series proved he put a lifetime’s worth of creativity into “All-Star Superman” but kept working anyway.
Let’s ask John Travolta.
Predictably, Marvel just announced The Absolutely Fabulous Four, starring Bone Smoker, Fudge Packer, Knob Gobbler, and Fairy Hawk.
You win.
Galley Wife May 22, 2012 at 7:30 pm
Remember: He hasn’t given them everything. Not everything. Not yet.