The Great Dylan Meconis
October 5th, 2012

Friend of a Galley Friend Dylan Meconis is basically beau ideal of the hyper-literate, classics-nerd, comics artist-writer. And her ongoing graphic novel Family Man will be catnip to certain Galley Readers. (I’m looking at you, Gormogons.) Here’s a section from her intro:

. . . Amidst all this confusion, Europe is clattering into a new age.  The Age of Faith and the Age of Beauty have both run their course, and now it’s Reason’s turn to try to explain the human condition.  Suddenly everybody thinks the answers will be revealed by the next microscope slide, wild manuscript, or enlightened political upheaval.

Everybody, that is, except for a young scholar by the name of Luther Levy, who has an increasing stock of Questions and a diminishing supply of Answers.  Caught between a rock and his own hard head, Luther has returned home from University short one doctorate in Theology and (possibly) one belief in God.

Luther does his best to find comfort in his eclectic family (and a healthy dose of self pity).  Self-pity won’t pay the rent, though, and Luther has become desperate for employment, which isn’t easy to come by when your only marketable skill is scriptural exegesis.

Her writing is really, really smart and funny. And the art is positively gorgeous. Enjoy.

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