There’s sometimes trouble in Bubbleland
March 15th, 2012

Bryan Caplan and Steve Sailer get a little blue-on-blue violence going on the subject of American society, cultural bubbles, the primary duties of the state, the coercive nature of taxation, and libertarianism’s problems with accommodating nationalism.

  1. Can I Haz FreeeRdr? March 16, 2012 at 5:58 pm

    How can you have any sympathies with Caplan? He doesn’t pay for anything. He has a subsidized job that provides no benefit to anyone. Econ is a made up field where they assume away any contradictory factors and think high school calculus is hard math. Regardless of the merits of intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan, the security guarantees provided by the overwhelming firepower of the U.S. military is the only reason why global trade is possible. I’m sure if every country took the Swiss defense posture, the world would be safer and Caplan would still get to prattle on about Chicago-school econ theories to students hoping to get jobs with government, non-profits, academia, or other entities that provide no added value to society based on strict libertarian principles.