This is an argument *for* gay marriage?
June 22nd, 2012

Here’s David Blankenhorn evolving to support of gay marriage. He mostly makes the standard equality argument–which is pretty powerful. Then he kind of goes off the rails:

A third good thing is respect for an emerging consensus. The population as a whole remains deeply divided, but most of our national elites, as well as most younger Americans, favor gay marriage. This emerging consensus may be wrong on the merits. But surely it matters.


  1. Galley Friend J.E. June 22, 2012 at 6:30 pm

    Alrighty then! Voters don’t want it but elites do.

    Of course, elites also want to do away with elections.

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  3. Nedward June 22, 2012 at 6:32 pm

    I get a whiff of naivete from his editorial, as if he doesn’t know any actual gay couples in real life. They’re acutely, understandably conscious of their distance from heteros, resent them to varying degrees (from bland indifference to mocking-the-portraits-at-the- White-House level), and as a general proposition are unlikely to join forces with the straight masses to Make Marriage Great Again. That would be almost as preposterous as President Obama suddenly uniting with the dry goods store owners, oilfield transporters, and faith-based charity operators of Clinger America.

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  5. Ben June 22, 2012 at 6:35 pm

    David is a nice fellow, but he has always reminded me of Chesterton’s recommendation that one should not have so open a mind that one’s brain falls out.

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  7. Nedward June 22, 2012 at 6:41 pm

    Speaking of marriage-strengthening coalitions: