Time to Retire from Twitter
December 16th, 2015

Aimee Mann favorited a tweet last night. I’m done.

  1. SkinsFanPG December 16, 2015 at 11:18 am

    Back on Twitter? Loser: JVL
    yeah, the RT from Aimee Mann is awesome though.

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  3. Galley Wife December 16, 2015 at 1:57 pm

    SHE LIKED MY TWEET TOO!! 2016: JVL/SLL dinner with Aimee Mann and Michael Penn. We have to make this happen. Then I can retire from … everything.

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  5. James Versluys December 19, 2015 at 10:59 pm

    It just occurred to me: you’ve KISSED A GIRL BEFORE, Last!

    Empire Strikes Back tweets, droid talk, “We should have called it the Virtue Rises”: I just naturally assumed you were kept in the Weekly Standard broom closet when you weren’t taking the staff coffee orders once a day.

    Galley Wife: if he’s keeping you against your will, MAKE AN EMOJI WINK WHEN HE LETS YOU GO ON TWITTER.

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  7. Galley Wife December 21, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    This made my day. He did, however, wait to reveal that he had “gotten ‘back’ into comics” until after he had proposed. And he thinks I don’t know what’s inside all those rectangular boxes in the broom closet.