‘Virtues’ Update
November 13th, 2014

A few things:

1) I highly recommend AEI’s Banter podcast in general, but the episode with Rob Long and James Lileks talking about the book is fantastic. How’s this for a tease: Lileks has, in his house, a place he calls “the closet of mysteries.”

2) In other podcast adventures, I had a fun time with David Madeira the other day; you can listen here.

3) Also, I did a long, rambling interview with Katherine Jean Lopez at National Review Online. It’s not as entertaining as the one for WTE. But I did sneak in Lucille Bluth and Mister Bob Harris.

4) The Seven Deadly Virtues is sold out on Amazon right now, but still available at Barnes and Noble. Amazon should be resupplied shortly. All in all, it’s a high-class problem to have.

  1. Galley Wife November 13, 2014 at 7:00 pm

    I’ve never cared for Gob.