Wait–The Oscars Were Last Weekend?
February 29th, 2012

I’m so far removed from the world of popular culture that not only had I not seen a single movie nominated for Best Picture. Not only did I not know what films had been nominated for Best Picture. But I didn’t even know the Academy Awards were/had taken place.

And to think there was a time in my life when I watched probably 120 movies a year.

I feel less awful about it, however, reading Galley Friend Mike Russell’s live Tweet stream from his coverage of the alt-universe Academy Awards telecast. It’s unbelievably funny. Sample awesome:

Harvey Weinstein’s public apology was a nice surprise, though I’m not sure he needed to throw “Shakespeare In Love” under the bus like that

The breaks where they cut to Cintra Wilson live-blogging the show have improved since Camille Paglia showed up

Jonathan Winters, 87, reprising all his movie roles in one staccato 2-minute marathon. Amazing. Standing O when he got to THE LOVED ONE.

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