Why You Don’t Do Video from Your Office
June 27th, 2011

Here I am talking about a reasonably serious topic–the slaughter of 163 million baby girls–via web cam with the WSJ.

In the background you’ll note: a poster for The Dark Knight, Axis & Allies, a picture disc with Adam West riding an elephant, a basketball signed by Larry Bird, and–because why not?–an Emma Frost action figure. Not pictured: the Lego Batmobile.


It’s amazing my bosses let me have an office at all.

  1. gfaw June 27, 2011 at 5:38 pm

    Now be honest — that’s actually Barnes’s office, right?

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  3. WershovenistPig June 27, 2011 at 6:06 pm

    Too bad you couldn’t get a shot of the Teen Titans clock. That’s your office tschotske that always comes to my mind.

    That said, you couldn’t miss the Axis & Allies dominating your bookshelf.

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  5. Galley Wife June 27, 2011 at 7:33 pm

    I’m laughing too hard to listen to anything you’re saying. I’m sure it’s smart and all that. But come on. Where’s Monica Goodling with the Justice Department curtains when you need her?

    Is that Iverson behind your right shoulder? And the Obama action figure under Larry Bird?

    At least the Veronica Mars noir movie poster is on the other side of your desk.

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  7. BTD June 27, 2011 at 9:23 pm

    This is hilarious, and not just because I have the same poster.

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  9. Fake Herzog June 27, 2011 at 9:58 pm

    I’m just getting over the shock of seeing you for the first time. I only know you through your caricature drawing in the TWS. I think you look more serious in real life.

    Everyone’s goofing on the office but I thought you came across really well in the interview and much more polished than the pretty boy grilling you (who did a fine job).

    Sure, you might not have the rakish good looks of Hayes, but I’d watch you opining on the day’s issues on a Fox panel any day of the week…

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  11. SkinsFanPG June 27, 2011 at 10:32 pm

    Office? That looks more like the dungeon they stick the IT nerds in.

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  13. Scott June 28, 2011 at 9:30 am

    OMG, this is fantastic. It’s like a primer on how not to do a serious interview (no offense!). The open collar, I’m thinking short sleeve, shirt. No tie. No jacket. Then the office – such whimsy, such pop culture.

    I agree with Fake Hertzog – your delivery and content were excellent. The packaging – meh.

    A take off on “you have a face for radio”; you have an office for writing.

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  15. Galley Wife June 28, 2011 at 10:00 am

    If only they knew that wearing a shirt with a collar and buttons (even if, yes, it was short-sleeved) means it was dress-up day at the Standard. And, there was no baby food on your shirt. Also, you shaved. Shouldn’t you get points for that?

    I was just about to reassure you that you do indeed have rakish good looks, and that I have more crow’s feet, anyway, but wait–are those gem dice on your shelf?

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  17. Galley Friend J.E. June 28, 2011 at 11:10 am

    What, no Playboy calendar? And where was the split screen with Kaus?

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  19. SkinsFanPG June 28, 2011 at 1:09 pm

    Why didn’t you borrow Labash’s copy of Farm Boys? Now that would have been awesome.

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  21. jk June 30, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    I watched that the day it came out and thought “wow, he must have really cleaned up for this — the geekery is quite understated…”